Compliance Agreements



Compliance agreement

This notice is published by the Commissioner of Canada Elections, pursuant to section 521 of the Canada Elections Act, S.C. 2000, c. 9, as amended.

On April 3, 2006, the Commissioner of Canada Elections entered into a compliance agreement with the contracting party, of the town of Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada, pursuant to section 517 of the Canada Elections Act.

In this agreement, the contracting party admits to acts that constitute an offence under section 7 of the Canada Elections Act, as she registered and requested a second ballot on polling day, June 28, 2004, in the electoral district of Clarington–Scugog–Uxbridge, after having already voted at an advance poll in the electoral district of Huron–Bruce on June 19, 2004 with the mistaken belief that an elector who has two residences could vote twice.

Prior to the conclusion of the agreement, the Commissioner of Canada Elections took into account that the contracting party contributed to the support of a non-partisan charitable organization, that she admitted responsibility for the acts that constitute the offence and that she undertook to comply with the provisions of the Act in the future.

In summary, the compliance agreement required the contracting party to:


May 19, 2006

Commissioner of Canada Elections

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