Compliance Agreements

Commissioner Of Canada Elections

Canada Elections Act

Compliance agreement

This notice is published by the Commissioner of Canada Elections, pursuant to section 521 of the Canada Elections Act, S.C. 2000, c. 9.

On January 10, 2020, the Commissioner of Canada Elections entered into a compliance agreement with Ms. Valerie Pankiw, pursuant to section 517 of the Canada Elections Act. The text of the compliance agreement is set out in full below.

February 28, 2020

Compliance Agreement

Pursuant to section 517 of the Canada Elections Act (the Act), the Commissioner of Canada Elections (the Commissioner) and Ms. Valerie Pankiw (the Contracting Party) enter into this agreement aimed at ensuring compliance with the Act.

Pursuant to subsection 363(2) of the Act, the official agent of a candidate that receives a contribution from an ineligible contributor must, within 30 days of becoming aware of the ineligibility, return the amount of the contribution to the Receiver General for Canada (Receiver General).

Paragraph 497(1)(b) of the Act makes it an offence for an official agent to contravene subsection 363(2).

Statements by the Contracting Party

For the purpose of this compliance agreement, the Contracting Party acknowledges the following:

Factors considered by the Commissioner

In entering into this compliance agreement, the Commissioner took into account the factors set out in paragraph 32 of the Compliance and Enforcement Policy of the Commissioner of Canada Elections, which is available on the Commissioner’s website, including that:

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