Compliance Agreements



Compliance agreement

This notice is published by the Commissioner of Canada Elections, pursuant to section 521 of the Canada Elections Act, S.C. 2000, c. 9.

On February 8, 2005, the Commissioner of Canada Elections entered into a compliance agreement with the contracting party of the City of Montréal, (Quebec), Canada, pursuant to section 517 of the Canada Elections Act.

In this agreement, the contracting party, who was a journalist for La Presse newspaper at the time of this action, admits to the actions described in the article published by him for the newspaper La Presse in the June 23, 2004, issue entitled "Un électeur, deux votes." He admits that, by trying to vote twice on June 21, 2004, during the general election, he violated section 7 and paragraphs 281(c) and (d) of the Canada Elections Act, since having already voted in the federal election, he requested a second ballot at that election, knowingly making a false statement in an application for registration and special ballot and knowingly applied for a ballot to which he was not entitled.

Prior to the conclusion of the agreement, the Commissioner of Canada Elections took into account that:

In summary, the agreement required Paul Journet to:

Ottawa, February 8, 2005.

Commissioner of Canada Elections

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